@Montreal Canadiens

How big a blow is the loss of Canadiens forward Kirby Dach? | HI/O Show

In this episode, our panelists — Montreal Gazette columnist Stu Cowan, former Canadiens defenceman and assistant coach Rick Green, and Andrew Berkshire — join host Jessica Rusnak to break down Kirby Dach’s season-ending injury.

They also debate what the over/under could be for some Canadiens players this season when it comes to goals scored. Will Rafaël Harvey-Pinard scored more than 15 goals? Will Brendan Gallagher score more than 13?

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Video Production by 5 Pound Media

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  1. ST have been a disaster for in excess 5 years!
    Common denominator is Burrows!
    Who when hired by MB had zero experience coaching!
    New ideas required not anything Burrows is supplying !

  2. I feel for Dach but as far as the Habs go, not so much. This is a painful rebuild to watch and having Dach lose an entire season of development is the most disappointing part.

  3. Great show. Unfortunately, I think the Habs need to grind it out. They can't move away from the team plan overall to fix things due to injuries. Now we'll see how good a coach Martin is.

  4. The issue with this team is that they are going through a rebuild. It's painful! Because they are going through a rebuild they don't have enough experienced high end talent. They need to grow. Really unfortunate Dach is injured, I really felt this year was his turning point.

  5. Serge Savard broke his leg twice early in his career. Didn't seem to harm his career.

  6. It used to be that on the PP teams would hammer in the puck, go get it, and set up. Now all they do this skate to the line, STOP, and drop it way back to Suzuki to skate in…of course he gets stopped before he enters the zone…sometimes leading to odd man rushes back. It's infuriating watching the same PP play over and over again. Everyone stops at the line and loses momentum until Suz "enters" the zone….it's stupid.

  7. I was at the game Tuesday ( my annual pilgrimage to Montréal to cheer on my Habs). They were pretty lifeless. Giving up the 2 shorties early really sucked the life out of them. I felt Special Teams should improve this season and their position in the standings would improve in lock step with that. Sadly the 80’ drop pass concept is brutal as executed by the Habs. Rather than 1 guy skating and 4 standing there … how about we try 4 guys flying down the ice and 1 guy standing there? I’ve got to think this would pressure PK defenders to turn not wanting 4 guys to blow through them with the puck – even if the puck is softly flipped in to about the top of the circle – too deep for defender to pivot and get to 1st, not deep enough for goalie to come out with good offensive players flying in at him. Then even some variations – 3 flying up 2 following up slightly behind. It needs to generate some goals to really get the PKers think in no and moving. Could even generate additional interference penalties if PKers grab or try to slow down Habs rushers. The long drop pass with everyone else stapled to the ice should be a once in a while attack formation just to throw off the PKers. Our PK – be more aggressive in taking away time and space. Maybe 1+ additional forechecker on PP QB or primary shooter on opposing team. Too many times on Habs Special Teams vs Wild a single Wild player tied up 2 or 3 Habs in puck battles creating a lot of problems if they were able to flip puck out of the scrum. It’s difficult to understand bright players going brain dead on Special Teams when they are dynamic and creative at 5v5. Maybe ST “system” is too rigid – let them read and react to what they see on the ice. Go Habs Go!!

  8. The Dach injury stings, like bad. Had a million thoughts when I heard about it. "Has he ever played a full season. We might need to move on from this guy. Shoulda drafted Divorsky or Lenoard."😢😢

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