@St. Louis Blues

Post Game Thread: Arizona Coyotes at St Louis Blues – 19 Oct 2023


STL loses, 6 – 2 .

[ Boxscore](


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by HockeyMod


  1. dixie12oz

    Well I felt ok (not great) about the team after the first two games. Maybe even a little optimistic. But this game was…. Discouraging. I understand bad games happen but that looked far too much like last year’s team. Too early to throw in the towel but I’m certainly less enthusiastic after that one.

  2. STLBooze3

    Getting outshot 40 to 24 and lose 6 to 2 to the yotes? Woof.

  3. STLBooze3

    Hate seeing a nearly empty lower bowl as the final horn sounds.

  4. First off, why has this god damn team become the bane of our existence? The offense and PP is concerning so far, to say the least. We’re absolutely capable of more, but the sustained pressure has been near zero. Tough game for Hofer, he made same damn good saves, but definitely some he’d want back. Still early, but I’m sure a five day break doesn’t help at this point. This team needs to find their legs

  5. BluesBrother57

    Playing down to our opponent?!? What are they on about, we didn’t even fucking play.

  6. STLBooze3

    Hopefully this was the case if not having a game since Saturday. Get back on the saddle and you know sid and geno aren’t gonna be sitting back on Saturday.

  7. Pantsman1084

    3 Stars of the Game:

    ⭐ – Keller

    ⭐⭐ – Schmaltz

    ⭐⭐⭐ – Maccelli

    Not really mush to say other than it was a classic 22-23 style shit show from the boys.

    Keller & Schmaltz continue to own the Blues and there’s almost no fight back, yet again.

    Only positive for the Blues was Vrana. His performance tonight was great and it would be nice to see our top lines show up.

  8. russianspy_1989

    Christ. How do you lose to a hockey team that’s from a desert?

  9. Oldwoodguy

    There were two players that looked like they came to work tonight. Blais and Vrana. When you have to rest your 6M goalie after two starts on a 4 day rest for a non back to back it sends a message. For one, that it’s terrible coaching since Binner is the one reason we have any points. Two, no one else has to work either. You got two 8M boys coasting around with 1 hand on the stick making blind passes to the other team and not having any qualms about it. That sends another type of message in the locker room. Calling it now- last team in the league to score a ppg. And we have Jamie Rivers to make you all enjoy watching so much. Do I seem negative? I thought I was being nice.

    Double posted fucking because

  10. Defenestrator__

    Well Berube said he didn’t want us to be a team that generated off the rush. Good news, he succeeded at that. Bad new, we now generate no offense.

  11. The box + 1 is stifling our offense. If we’re going to be bad, we could at least have the decency of being fun. Rivers is a terrible commentator. I want Levshunov.

  12. russianspy_1989

    Blues, I’m not mad that you lost, I’m just disappointed. However, I AM mad that you lost that badly.

  13. kcsaints44

    The good:

    The bad:

    The awful:

    Everyone else was invisible

  14. themooseiscool

    Note to self: don’t cut gym time short for this years team

  15. TheOnlyGrogisNog

    I don’t know what I just saw – I don’t like it.

  16. Oldwoodguy

    Thomas and Kyrou are leading two things right now, Jack and Shit, and Jack left town.

  17. Defense got exposed without Binner in net to cover for them. Top line completely invisible on offense and once again no PP. 4 goals in 3 games is not gonna cut it.

  18. PerryNeeum

    Passing was shit. Neutral zone play was lazy. No cycle. And the D…..Jesus, that D. Really not a whole lot went right.

  19. seb101189

    I’m not the best at the rules, what things are working, how to play the game, etc. But I went to the game and wondered if defense was a thing and if blind backhand passes could just stop. Kyrou doing that controller disconnected meme for a full game? Tucker and Vrana keep it up and I can’t ever be mad at Saad.

  20. Mitch_Connor1986

    That was just pain. I’ll leave it at that. I’ve decided anything I say about how I really feel will not help what happened tonght. Just no. Fuck no to everything that transpired in that 60 minute session of sport. Severely controlled rant over

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