@Edmonton Oilers

ANALYSIS | Post-Game at PHI

Tony Brar and Jack Michaels discuss Edmonton’s 4-1 loss to Philadelphia as Coach Woodcroft says Thursday night’s effort wasn’t up to the team’s standard.


  1. garbage game, this team needs to wake up. stop just treading water and cashing your paychecks. if you can not get up to get paid millions to play a game, then you have serious issues. whatever these guys are doing before games has to change, they look like a bunch of teenagers that played Halo all night and just showed up to the game so they can go home and play video games more. At least during the decade of darkness, we had teams with heart, this team is more like the walking dead.

  2. Didn’t try hard enough they gave up that third period had no urgency. You gotta bring that every game not just one game and then go back to being lack luster. Do you want to win a cup boys you gotta be better.

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