@Chicago Blackhawks

Before Mayweather and Ali stood JACK JOHNSON

ShowBizz The Morning Podcast (THURSDAYS) :


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  1. After jack Johnson black fighters had their own title. There were some good fighters around too. Its jumps from jack Johnson all the way to joe Louis.

  2. Jack Johnson revolutionized boxing in North America. He had power, command of the ring.

  3. It's crazy. I subbed to ur channel over a year ago cause you was talking boxing video games. But your channel is so much more. Glad I'm subbed to your channel

  4. Showbizz the adult it’s arnagadon from isreal i don’t even know your name but I watch all your videos u r the greatest your knowledge is fantastic I’m waiting every day to see it thank you

  5. bruh, a couple of minutes after the Ruiz/joshua fight, I had to see your reaction , so I brought up your stream which was already over, and watched it with my brother, trying to explain to him why I watch you, when the first joshua knock down happened,..he knew why I watch you. shooooooow biz the Adult!

  6. did you know jack Johnson created the Monkey wrench. Hence why it called a "Monkey" wrench they said don't buy that moneky's wrench. white America hated jack Johnson. I have even read that he threw the fight against Willard because he and his families lives were threatened. I have even read where he said it himself he threw the fight. Jack Johnson was so hated that another black man didn't get a title shout until Joe Louis so from 1915 to 1937. Let me tell you how shady the Louis/ Braddock fight was Braddock knew he wasn't going to win so when the contract was signed Braddock would get a piece of joe louis earning for the rest of his career.

  7. Joe Gans created the jab because whites would hit his legs with sticks. So Joe Gans had to learn to fight in the center of the ring.

  8. I instagrammed you but can we get a greatest trainer of all time discussion..I think it would be who did the most with the least…who went above and beyond

  9. Ive been wanting to see a Jack Johnson movie for years. I don't know how the fuck no one has made it. Such a fascinating man and life. Can somebody get Ryan Coogler or Martin Scorcesi on it for fucks sake!

  10. No, before them it was Joe Louis. Get it straight man. Unfortunately, for Johnson he was born at the wrong time and possibly almost ruined chances of a non-White champion. It took Joe Louis to fix it. Not only did he fix it but he was a silent figure. He was also the first Black goldmfer to play in a PGA sanctioned tournament. Mind you pulling his ball out of holes filled with human excrement. Another thing, without Joe Louis we wouldn’t have Jackie Robinson, Ali and many of the people we know today. He also helped integrate the military. He did more good than just about anyone for all people. Get that straight. Jack Johnson was the first black heavyweight champ but his impact was nothing like Joe Louis so that sh@& straight. And he took that crap for us all. He also fought in the biggest fight of the world period.

  11. Jack Johnson is my number one all-time great fighter Floyd Mayweather Jr is number 2 Sugar Ray Robinson is number 3 Muhammad Ali is number four and Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield is tied as my number 5 all-time greatest fighters ever in the history of boxing

  12. For all those that would like to know more about Jack Johnson I advise you to check out the works of the great Ken Burns who did a documentary on the great Jack Johnson a must-watch

  13. Showbizz is spot on once again – before he won the title Johnson proved himself as one of the best, against some of the best heavyweights ever, then after he won the title, he mopped up the hype-jobs because there was a demand for those fights.
    There was no public demand to see him against the best of the Black fighters, even though some of them were capable of severely testing Johnson.
    The racist White community back then was obsessed with seeing him lose to a White fighter………….

  14. I have Jack Johnson as my #2 heavyweight of all time behind only Ali. That's how much I respect him.

  15. Do you know he got battered in jail off a white boxer who then took him under his wing and taught him how to box properly.

  16. Alright man look…ALRIGHT MAN LOOK!!!
    Show time what I noticed about the boxing temperature/atmosphere back in those days when Jack was boxing. They didn't want a one round knock out because it was to expensive and transportation was it the same there was no internet and etc. So that's why I believe Jack always held their hands and the powers that be knew that Jack can knock boxers out from a flip of a switch, but doing that would ruin the match. It makes sense why they would go for 45 rounds-they wanted a show..Just thinking!!!

  17. Said it before, saying it again, as far as boxing channels go, Nobody beats the Bizz. (real hip hop heads can catch that reference ; )

  18. I find whenever Mayweather is mentioned, I don’t think of noble pioneer. Yes he was a champion but he did nothing for the benefit of boxing or humanity. He more like a leach that sucked the life out of boxing and people’s pockets. I see your point but like the other two, I don’t see a great man.

  19. just watched a mini film about jack johnson i never knew him and mayweather were so much lol history does repeat itself after all

  20. Sounds like Jack Johnson was an all around great man and a superior champion that set the tone for the new age boxer's in some ways .

  21. Very good points but why you say never fought him again, Floyd Mayweather .. Floyd gave immediate rematches to the guys who gave him tough fights both Castillo and maidana

  22. When I found this dude he had like 8K that Mikey Garcia and Spence fight blew this channel up

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