@Vancouver Canucks

Thomas Drance on the Canucks road trip, Tyler Myers and more

Thomas Drance from The Athletic on the Canucks play in Philly and Tampa Bay and Tyler Myers play last night.


  1. Pettersson had a dreadful game but it gets overlooked by the media because he got two assists.
    Meyers has a pass intercepted resulting in a goal against, but then scores a great goal……where's the media forgiveness?

  2. What's bizarre is they really looked like a more cohesive team in the 1st game and even the 2nd against Edmonton. "Bought in" was the phrase. It's like they just sort of unraveled thinking now that they got the formula it'll be automatic. Can't explain it any other way.

    Even last year in their first 10 games they had some dominant play, it just went to hell later on when they blew multi-goal leads on a record setting pace. This almost feels like the Travis Green team of the year before, no electricity at all. These guys better get excited playing systems hockey because that's clearly their only chance.

  3. Myers always tries to do too much. He has to admit to the fact that he is not young and fast anymore! keep everything to the simplest because today's NHL is attacking and checking way faster than his body can now handle. It is a fact he is simply too slow and has had many penalties being called on him in the past few games. All he has now is just a long stick to deflect passes which is simply not enough in today's game.

  4. Crazy thing is, if you told me before the season started that this team would be .500 after the first 4 games, I would have been happy. But after starting 2-0 against the Oilers, .500 feels like a disappointment now. Being a Canucks fan so messes with your head.

  5. Remember during the offseason when they brought in these new defencemen, so Myers wouldn't have to play long minutes in difficult situations. They brought in more 3rd pairing defencemen to insulate another 3rd pairing defenceman, gambling that they would be better than they were elsewhere. Now they're looking to solve their problems on the right side with Ethan Bear, who is another 3rd pairing defenceman and will be coming off an injury midseason. I like Bear and he's a player I want to see back in a Canucks uniform, but he's still a 3rd pairing defenceman on a NHL team.

  6. Meyers two most egregious mistakes directly led to 2 goals against. They are absolutely why the Canucks lost the game. Drance needs to go he’s horrible.

  7. So Myers…..FINALLY ready to stop saying he is "serviceable" ? He is a god dam liability on the ice he was responsible directly for three goals.

  8. If only the Canucks didn’t have a broken down overpaid 3rd pair defenseman they’d win the Stanley Cup

  9. Just like the owner, all the players play for is a paycheck nothing more. The owners play for a playoff paycheck, the players play to collect on their contracts. Actually working to be a good team actually doesn’t matter to the owners or the players. It is what it is. To many selfish players . Understand Vancity, this is about money nothing more. So fans take a deep breath and if you don’t like it , find a new team to support. We are all just fans and no control over how the nucks play

  10. So you're saying that defensemen are important, what a concept. We've been going through this for years, let Tanev walk we can replace him with a bunch of 3rd pair waiver pickups.

  11. There's the problem. When Myers says the play on Pettersson was the right "read" but didn't execute. Bad reads by Myers play after play after play. Doesn't matter if the execution works or not

  12. Go back and look at the goals last night. You'll see Hoglander coasting thru the neutral zone . Happens too many nights

  13. I think Myers takes way too much flak . Drance is bang on with his analysis of Myers. Its the infrastructure around that exposes Myers. Surround him with a few more "better" players, and see what happens.

  14. You offered not one original idea. Thomas do you copy everything you try to make your own?

  15. I am no longer angry at Myer's complete incompetence as an NHL'er. I am now totally focused on how angry I am at Canucks' MANAGEMENT for STILL LETTING THIS GUY BE ON THE ROSTER, and being allowed to play NHL games for Vancouver. The 1st 4 games have been SO HORRENDOUS, how could ANYONE not see the complete worthlessness of this person taking space on the Canucks side of the ice? I don't understand why… WHY ????, they continue to let Myers play… ????? ANYONE, from the press box, or Abbotsford, or A FORWARD playing D, even!!!, would be better than Myers has been (for several years now, but unbelievably, almost inconceivably, IT'S ONLY STILL GETTING WORSE!). CANUCKS' MANAGEMENT: STOP THE INSANITY! (Jeez, I mean, HOW MANY GOALS AGAINST, in the early part of this season, have been a DIRECT CONSEQUENCE of Myers SITTING ON HIS OWN TEAMMATES, taking not only himself, BUT ANOTHER CANUCK, out of the play?!? And on and on and on… Ugh).

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