@Nashville Predators

Max Domi Drops The Gloves With Nino Niederreiter

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. Domi has never even came close to winning a fight in which the other fighter was ready / wanting to go. Domi has been knocked out 8 times in juniors for everyone who doesn't know

  2. This guy is probably the dumbest player in the NHL. I'm all for playing aggressive but thats about the 5th time he has jumped a nonfighter and started throwing bombs early. This is what happens without enforcers… little dirty guys like him are the new tough guys and its sad to witness.

  3. Uncool Domi! Knuckle head. Picking fights with non-fighters, give Zdeno a go? Or no, he will squish you like a slug! You'll never be your dad as far as being tough…

  4. Domi is such a pussy! I’ve never seen him fight a “tough” guy. Always jumping guys not ready or willing. Fight Tom Wilson, or literally anyone ready to fight

  5. Imagine playing hockey and being scared to fight, especially a smaller dude. What a wimp, disgraceful to the jersey he wears

  6. Love Max but what an absolute pussy for trying to scrap someone who didn’t want it.

  7. When did they start giving out fighting majors to guys that didn't want to fight and never dropped their gloves? That's messed up.

  8. Don’t elbow a guy in the back of the head and you won’t get a fist to the face, especially when the jersey has DOMI on the back… seems pretty simple.

  9. Nino didn’t even want to fight but still got put in the box, they said it was his “first fight”(which I don’t know is true) yet he never took his gloves off

  10. I like how you can just throw pucnhes at other guys in the NHL and they other party will get a 5 min penalty aswell. This rulebook is a joke or the reefs are.

  11. What an absolutely awful call by the refs there, the guy barley touches Domi and he loses his mind and starts throwing punches. Those refs should be suspended without pay until they can learn what a fight is… pathetic!

  12. But when brady tkachuks helmet flies off the officials have to race in and save him from Zack MacEwen, what a double standard joke.

  13. How is this fighting for Niederreiter? Or even better.. how is this not an instigator? What a joke..

  14. Typical Max Domi. Every now and then he’ll make the mistake of trying this with someone who will actually drop the gloves & get tuned up. (Sabourin, Hathaway)

  15. I have literally never seen Domi fight someone who was willing to fight him, always goes after non-fighters. Dude is a fucking embarrassment lol.

  16. This is all loser does. Nothing but videos of fighting guys with there glove on.

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