@San Jose Sharks

Postgame at CAR (10/27): Quinn

Head Coach David Quinn answers questions from the media on October 27, 2023.


  1. David Quinn couldn't coach a horse to eat hay. Now we realise why Rangers fans were laughing, wishing us good luck and calling him a prospect killer when we signed him. Young guys showing a bit of chemistry together, splits the line up, anchors them to under performing vets. Talks about accountability, fundamentals, doing the basics right. Then chews out, benches or scratches the young guys for making mistakes whilst giving Kunin, Hoffman, Benning et al, endless chances. Nothing inspires confidence in the workforce than the bosses showing themselves to be blatant liars and hypocrites. This org has become an absolute clown show.

  2. Quinn, you saw the scoreboard right? You been shut-out twice in a row, have not scored in 8 straight periods, 8 goals in 8 games (Well really 6). What's with this we look good today garbage. No one ever gets mad in this organization and thats the biggest problem. No one is held accountable therefor nothing changes and continue running the same thing game after game.

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