@Detroit Red Wings

If THG can still believe in us, y’all should too.

Seriously though, the amount of people in the GDT yesterday who have given up on the wings after one bad week against a decent team and a REALLY GOOD bruins team is just silly.

We’ll get it back together and look good again soon.

by Xavias


  1. schmaleo505

    This is pure speculation other than ADB’s reported illness, but I can’t shake the feeling that there’s some kind of bug going around the locker room right now.

    Pretty much everyone I know in Michigan is sick right now, and there’s clearly some things going around. I feel like more than us playing literally “bad”, everyone just looks “off.” Like, a bit slower, mental mistakes, etc.

    Also, it’s obvious that our start was not sustainable, so there was bound to be a drop off, but this one seems so significant that I have a hard time believing that the entire team just forgot how to play hockey over a week. Except for JFV, of course. Dude is a monster out there so far.

  2. No_Protection6832

    “We’ll get it back together and look good again soon” no offense, but you don’t know that for sure, wings fans have been saying that for years and years now. I HOPE they can get it back together but don’t say it like it’s going to happen 100% certain.

  3. It’s a long season. The people getting hyped saying we were back to being contenders and the people dooming right now are both fools. A season isn’t made or lost by a singular hot or cold streak.

    The upshot is, though, that regardless of how we do in the long haul of the season, our team is fun to watch again. Thats enough for me to enjoy the season.

  4. swagdaddyham

    He doesn’t say he still believes in them…he says if they can get it back together they’ll be fine but also says that it’s worrying.

  5. ennuiinmotion

    Six games wasn’t enough to say they’re good, too small a sample size. But two games is enough to say we suck forever and haven’t improved and the team needs to be blown up.

    That five minute surge showed us they’re capable, they just hit a rough patch, like every team does.

  6. Lamprayisme

    Team was never going to keep up the pace of the start of the season. It’s been a rough couple of games to be sure and the flaws are starting to show a bit more, but I still think this team has what it takes to be competitive all year.

    Plus look at Veleno finally popping off, or Larkin being 2nd in NHL points or Seider being an almost PPG defenceman even if it’s early in the year. How can you not be having a great time as a wings fan right now?

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