@Detroit Red Wings

Game Thread: Florida Panthers (4-3-1) at Detroit Red Wings (6-3-1) – 02 Nov 2023 – 07:00PM EST

[](/r/floridapanthers)Florida Panthers (4-3-1) at [](/r/detroitredwings)Detroit Red Wings (6-3-1)

# [Link to GameGifs](/r/DetroitRedWings/comments/17m1042/game_thread_florida_panthers_431_at_detroit_red/k7howmm/)

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Time/Link | Tweets updated: 09:53:37AM (updates every 10 seconds)
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:—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—


by OctoMod


  1. Below is a list of user-submitted clips/gifs

    **Use ‘!GameGif’ in your comment to include your clip below**

    Also, be sure to follow /r/RedWingsGifs (courtesy of /u/PrinceTyke)

    User | Clip
    :—: | :—

  2. Wow- just reading through the whole Ottawa/ Dorion thing. They are one fucked up organization.

  3. elvishblood_24

    Petry has been the man out on D for me. What do you guys think?

  4. Let’s hope the team had a little talk about making blatant penalties late in the third period… I don’t know about the rest of you, but I could do without that crap today.

  5. culturedrobot

    I love the Panthers when they aren’t playing us, but today I despise them. At the moment there are so many different types of big cat I prefer; lions, tigers, Alex DeBrincats, jaguars, leopards, even the extinct saber-toothed tiger. All of them are better than the Florida panther. LGRW!

  6. How much do y’all think Ras is worth for this next contract? I threw an estimate out on the 32 Thoughts post, but I’m curious what y’all think is a fair value.

  7. elvishblood_24

    Fabbri compher Rasmussen

    Copp veleno sprong

    Kostin fischer Perron

  8. Big_Wooly_Mamoth_420

    Does bally+ not support chromecast anymore? Cancelled my subscription after the shitshow over the last few days but would love to be able to cast the remaining games I have left before my sub ends.

  9. elvishblood_24

    I didnt know the pick we used to get Berggren was ottowas pick

  10. Hopefully the boys took it easy at their Halloween party last night

  11. canbehazardous

    It’s great to be back in the win column after that rough streak, but on an even more positive note, we’re still top 10 win% in the league.

    Our division seems to be a real tossup at the moment, which only benefits us in the long term.

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