@National Hockey League

Klingberg intentionally trips Marchand

Klingberg intentionally trips Marchand

by Instant-Highlights


  1. KitchenClaim1780

    Love to see it. Crazy there’s no call, but love to see it

  2. Jefflehem

    This is what everyone on the ice should be doing to him every second he’s out there until he quits. I mean everyone. His teammates, the refs, the guys with the shovels…

  3. Hierotochan

    Anyone selling a Klingberg jersey? Toronto just got a new fan.

  4. Rowdy_Roddy96

    Only one who actually did something in response to what Marchand did to Liljgrenn. Ffs the Leafs are as soft as baby shit

  5. I like how the Ref right to the goal is just like: ‘Eh, guess now it’s too late to say something.’

  6. ShitOpinionGenerator

    Good, Marchand is the rat of the league and deserves all the shit that comes his way.

  7. It wasn’t a suckerpunch to the back of the head, but this was nice too.

  8. BlindPaintByNumbers

    The trip was okay, but loved the shove to the wall afterwards. Good job Klinger

  9. AfterAd7618

    The only one who did anything was kilngberg. Let that sink in

  10. Nautical26

    Probably should have been called, but I’m not upset because it’s Marchand and that rat gets away with all kinds of shit. Literally the worst representation for an NHL captain you could find.

  11. zivlynsbane

    Marchand has to be expecting this type of play for the shit that he stirs up constantly.

  12. GuyInShortShorts90

    Good, he deserved more, but it’s something.

  13. Need to see more of it on Marchy, that rat bastard.

  14. _gwynbliedd

    Realistically a suspension is a light punishment for what Klingberg did, it really should be expulsion from the sport or death by licking. Those are the only acceptable punishments in my eyes. If we’re not protecting our upstanding superstars just fold the league.

  15. Obsidian_409

    looked like karma to me. another 14 years worth yet to come.

  16. nhlheadlineig

    Gained a shit ton of respect for Klingberg for doing this

  17. LeftToaster

    I’m down for anything bad happening to Marchand – I mean, you know, short of real or lasting physical harm.

  18. Marchand continues to live rent free in r/NHL’s head.

  19. Yop_BombNA

    Good on Klingberg.

    Leafs bring in Domi, Bertuzi and Reaves to answer bullshit, and the offensive D man they brought in to get points is the guy who has any answer at all..,

  20. hopefully-a-good-buy

    crazy the difference in comments here versus literally anyone else

    yeah he’s dirty *sometimes*, and should be punished when appropriate, which he typically is.

    letting shit fly because you don’t like someone or being happy about intentional penalties is petty as fuck and takes away from what the sport should be.

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