@Toronto Maple Leafs

This is why no one wants to play for the Leafs

Let’s talk about Toronto Maple Leafs and why no one wants to play for a team with such a ridiculous fanbase. That and more on today’s NHL hockey video as we recap the Timothy Liljegren injury and the Boston Bruins vs the Toronto Maple Leafs

Dangle video:


  1. It’s easy to call Marchand a clown when youre angry but fact of the matter is, he’s better than you’re favorite player 🫢😬 I know it’s tough dealing with a player you have no answer for ❤

  2. How do sleep at night? You are so biased its hilarious 😂 ”Marchand is a rat!!!! I cant believe no one else is seeing that 😟😟😭”

  3. Don't judge the entire fanbase by a few high profile idiots on Twitter. Also, let's not get ridiculous about players not wanting to be in Toronto, it's one of the premiere destinations in the entire league.

  4. The leafs only appear on about 30% of the no trade lists. Edmonton, Van, the peg and flames are like on 80%

  5. Leafs fans are the worst. Okay, maybe Bertuzzi only has three points through ten games, but still, it's looking for issues in the wrong places. Just look at his play if you want to look for actual issues.

    Also, I struggle reading facial expressions sometimes, and even I can tell that Bertuzzi is laughing at Marchand, rather than with The Rat. It's seriously absurd that he's catching this much flak from the Leafs' fanbase. Hopefully he can either turn his season around enough to where he isn't the fans' fall guy (even though no turn of form will lead the Leafs faithful to look for another fall guy), or he just doesn't re-sign with the Leafs next summer.

  6. Dude I’m sorry but Steve dangles has always been somewhat annoying. I don’t hate the guy but man he needs to shut up 😂 I feel bad for Bert. He’s a good dude. And now he’s getting thrown in the pits of Toronto media hell.

  7. Yo, Toronto, sign me, and I'll show you how to punch someone in the mouth when they do some trash like that. Give me a tenth of the $ you gave Tuzz, and I'll fight everyone that tries to intentionally injure a teammate.

    Unrelated it seems there is no "go to the wall together" mentality with the leafs. They dont seem to be a team but a bunch of people trying to be the guy. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems they have nobody willing to get dirty and do the ugly and unrewarded hard grinding to make the space for the studs. Oh well, how are my sharks doing………….I'll be over here all sad now

  8. The fact that Leafs fans, especially someone like Steve Dangle, can't differentiate what Bertuzzi was laughing at is embarrassing. I'm not even a Leafs fan, but I am embarrassed as a Canadian hockey fan. I've said it a million times, but sports fans are some of the most dense people I've ever came across.

  9. Lol….never win the cup. Pretty boy hockey is what they are known for now says my Canadian colleagues at the office.

  10. As a Bruins fan. The way I saw Bertuzzi laughing. Didn’t think he was laughing AT nor do I think he was laughing WITH Marchand. I simply see Bertuzzi laughing BECAUSE of what Marchand is. He played along side Marchy for a good bit last season.

    The hit didn’t look dirty at first. In fact, it isn’t until you look at it behind and in slow motion, that the play looks both dirty and intentional. However. Keep in mind, Marchand is a seasoned veteran in the NHL. He was going for the puck whether y’all want to admit it or not. Lily should have been more aware of his surroundings and positioned himself better.

    Would I have been mad if a Bruin was injured instead? Depends on if I only saw the slow motion version initially, or regular speed. Slow motion? Easily. However I also know that you can do whatever you want to a Bruin and get away Scot-free.

    This was a very clean game from the Laffs and I appreciate that. My B’s also played pretty clean as well. Naturally the most penalized team in the league, will be called on the most questionable plays imaginable.

    Am I biased? Yes. Do I try to see things from other fans standpoint? Yes. If I see that Marchand, McAvoy, Pastrnak or other players did a nasty hit. I may not publicly get outraged…unless I see it in a debate. I know last season, Marchand quite obviously and blatantly held onto Taige Thompsons jersey while he was trying to race up the ice…wasn’t even in a corner. Literally Center-ice. No call, I was stunned. I was yelling at Marchand through my screen “MARCHY! Come on! YOU KNOW BETTER!” Like it would help.

  11. the fact that the NHL has brad in it is a bigger problem. clowns shouldnt be on the ice and the NHL ice should be A LOT LARGER and many of these injuries would go away. low skill players like a smaller rink.

  12. Something fans don’t understand is that teams don’t change for players but players have to change for the team. Fault is in the coaching and management making the team soft. Bertuzzi was awesome in Bruins because his playstyle fit Bruins game like a glove, Leafs play the game that elevate few elite players and others are almost sacrifice pieces, its also all about atmosphere in the locker room and nobody will be able to convince me that Leafs doesnt have one of the worst in the NHL .

  13. Bertuzzi's reaction is the perfect reaction for chirping. Making you lose your nerves is what chirping is for

  14. For anyone that needs an explanation of the severity of a high ankle sprain: the recovery time for an outright fracture is sometimes Less. It can be comparable to the recovery time as ligament damage in the knee (sometimes going into months). It's also a major headache because it heals up to a point where the player thinks they might be back soon, but nope, takes another few weeks to actually heal and can affect performance for months.

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