@Detroit Red Wings

This is getting OVERBLOWN…

Tyler Bertuzzi laughing on the bench as Reaves and Marchand chirp at each other is getting overblown. What do you think of this situation?




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  1. Oh I think you nailed just about everything.
    I don't mean to be disrespectful to Bert, Pasta was having a difficult time with turnovers and Bert was brought into address that one role.

    The bruins could have made him a two-way player but he was too expensive and wanted a long-term contract,

    you know about broken hands and long-term hockey careers. Bertuzzi has a checkered playing history the last few years between the covid, not taking the vaccines and two broken hands, two seasons in a row

    Bertuzzi could have been going one way or the other on the smile
    He knows the only way to get the message across to marchand that he didn't get under your skin is to smile back. Don't let marchand see you upset because then he's won.
    But maybe bertuzzi know something about that locker room that we don't. So I'm going to totally reserve judgment on trying to figure out what he was thinking. Not my place – I can see it both ways

    (But I liked that smirk so much, couldn't find it on YouTube anywhere so I actually put up a short video of it lol!)

    Lily skated in FRONT of #63, directly into his path.

    95% of other players would have backed off – but he's putting his body between Brad marchand and the puck he was already pursuing.

    That's his reputation, it's not a surprise that Brad marchand is not going to back off if you put your body, your leg in front of him to block him from getting the puck. How silly is that?

    The only place where I don't agree is it being a sure penalty. I don't see that. Lily initiated the contact

    I wish Lily a quick recovery.

    Don't put your body between Brad marchand and the puck while he's pursuing it unless you're ready for rough stuff. He's not going to back off…

    And neither is Matt Potrais !

    Who's only been in the league for 10 games.

    These are the bruins. They show up to play


  2. I love bertuzzi. And it was a mistake to let he get away. Hopefully they get him signed next off season.

  3. Tough to have your opinion on this matter mean much when you’re a Boston fan. Marchand has always been a rat. If you hit someone in the head but you meant to hit the shoulder does that make it any better? At the end of the day whether he meant to do it or not the result should be the same. If the league deems that a suspension so be it if not I’m cool with it.

  4. Bertuzzi is such a big HAM, when he went to boston he played like a Madman, now with leafs in boston never heard his name… piece of Krap

  5. I'm going to assume you are a Bruins fan with that take. I agree not suspendable but the notion that Marchand didn't lift Liljegren's foot off the ice with his stick while barreling into the boards at full speed is brutal. It's clear as day on the video. This is the sneaky dirty type of play Marchand is famous for.

  6. If Marchand wasn't holding up the left leg with his stick while kicking out the right leg, no injury would have happened. The Leafs would not move to help an old lady across the road, let alone come to a teammates defense, ha!

  7. Suck hard joc sniffers like Eck and jawney are the worst thing to happen to hockey since the trap 😂

  8. I would agree with you except for one statistic. Marchand is well known for his "can opener" plays. He almost wrote the book on it.

  9. 1. Do you play hockey? 2. If so, you should know what a Can-opener is"? 3. Does Marchand have a history of this kind of play?

  10. This is like saying that the guy who has 6 DUI's, and just ran over a mailbox wasn't drinking. Anyone else, that's a fair statement, but when you have a history you lose the benefit of the doubt

  11. If it was ANY other ref besides Wes McCauley that would have been a penalty… many refs would have ejected Marchand, that’s up to them.

    It’s almost like Wes has something against the Leafs 🤔 …. Ohhh, he’s the same Ref who 3-day-ejected Bunting from the playoffs last year over a normal shoulder check on florida?

    Look it up folks. He has a history with Keefe (or his brother in law does at least). Wes loves the bruins, he washes them down in the showers after games

  12. Reeves should have been put on the ice soon as Marchant circled back around thats when he should have been on the ice. The fact there was no bell answered or scrum is sad in its self the fact that leads chach didn't send someone out there to answer the bell is sad. Not sure why they brought him back anyhow?

  13. At least a ten game suspension dude. You don't know hockey. Brad is a fucking dirty player and this one was really really bad.

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