@Arizona Coyotes

Chris Tamer vs Kevin Dineen – Dec 2, 2000

NHL hockey fights, brawls, scrums, roughs, hits, cheap shots, and other incidents.

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  1. "After two terrible periods, Kevin Dineen decided he'd had enough. It was Dec. 2, 2000, and the Blue Jackets – 26 games into their inaugural season – were playing a horrible game against Atlanta in a nearly packed Nationwide Arena.

    On his way off the ice for the second intermission, Dineen swatted Thrashers' defenseman Chris Tamer on the rump and the following conversation ensued:

    Dineen: "You wanna go next period?"

    Tamer: "Yeah, I'll go."

    Dineen: "If you're a real man, we'll go left-handed."

    Tamer: "Sure."

    Two shifts into the third period, Dineen (5-foot-10) and Tamer (6-foot-2) dropped gloves. Ten seconds later, after Dineen landed five or six lefts to Tamer's chin, the lopsided fight ended with Tamer staggering to the penalty box.

    Afterward, Dineen came clean, ”’I’m lefthanded."

    Source: The Hockey News

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