@Chicago Blackhawks

Jason Benetti is leaving the White Sox booth. They can take Vosters since he prefers baseball.

Seriously. Even his YouTube channel shows a baseball diamond. I’ll gladly do PxP by rotation if he wants to go for that role.

by compro


  1. TheOlSneakyPete

    I like Vosters. He’s learned a lot since he started, and stepping into Pats shoes, he was always going to sound bad in comparison. I think calling games alongside a great color guy like Pang will make him even better.

  2. I actually really like Vosters.

    He has a lot of Pat’s qualities and style in his announcing.

    He’s got a very unique voice and a fantastic energy that goes with it that makes games very exciting in a way most announcers just can’t equal.

    He transitions between talking with Pang or his booth guests just so smoothly which is an art Pat was phenomenal at and I like Voster’s ability to replicate it.

    He isn’t great at announcing the play though, but that is a skill that only experience will fix and he is getting better at it.

    He will get better at reading the play, and he will get better at announcing it.

    The natural skill is there, but he needs time.

    Going from one of the best announcers of all time to a young learning announcer will obviously leave us all in nostalgia mode, but he will be better.

  3. SpecialAircraft

    People still hate Vosters? I’ve thought he’s taken a huge step forward this year. Always thought a lot of the hate was people just lashing out because isn’t Pat.

  4. Voters has grown on me a bit. He’s not my favorite yet but he’s certainly improved a lot since starting. Penger also helps a lot. Someone else mentioned this but it’s seriously an impossible task to replace PF and Edzo, and I think the only way to do that is to figure it out and be yourself, basically not just try to copy what the guy before you did. He’ll come into his own over the next few years.

  5. Ok_Message_1330

    Vosters has grown on me ngl. Can only go up from here with his skill too.

  6. tenacious-g

    Unbelievable how quickly the Blackhawks became the Chicago team I have the most hope in.

  7. SpaceFace11

    Why is this franchise so cheap.. it’s like they don’t care about the fans at all. Without fans no one would care about the White Sox. They are already heading down the path to being irrelevant.

  8. FriedSmegma

    This was one of the things I couldn’t let bother me. Every bit of the team from players to staff were new so it was a lot of adjustment. I accepted that Pat had to retire and am happy for him. Some people can’t accept that and whine about Vosters. I’ve always liked him honestly.

  9. DrDetritus79

    Agreed. Voster’s gotta go. Thank god for Panger or I’d probably listen to the radio feed while watching the tv muted.

  10. polloasadotaco

    Vosters has grown on me, but my biggest peeve of him is his just overall lack of hockey knowledge. Foley knew the zones, had excellent cadence and had such a good ability to depict the ice surface.

    Vosters just kinda says who has the puck.. With that being said, you can tell he’s learning a bunch and I think it would be silly to give up on him so early.

  11. MikeandTheMangosteen

    Wish The Hawks would have hired someone like Judd Sirott

  12. Notastanof

    I will never understand the hate on vosters…he’s literally how many years into this? Give him time my god. Just because he isn’t Eddie or foley, doesn’t mean it warrants this much hate. Gen z like him so that sucks for y’all lmao

  13. I think V is growing into the role well. And any time I start to doubt it, up comes an ESPN broadcast with the most delinquent chucklefucks imaginable who sound like they have to be there as punishment for flushing the boss’s weed down the john when they couldn’t fit it up their ass at a TSA checkpoint.

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